
  • Caritas_Jim_cover_07.jpgDate start 10.09.2013.Evaluations

    The Evaluation Report - Serbia: Sustainable Development in the Southern Region 2012-2014, Sector: Housing

    Evaluation Report covers the housing sector within the Programme programa Serbia: Sustainable Development in the Southern Region 2012 - 2014. The Report was prepared by evaluation expert James A.Newkirk.The publication is in English language.

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  • Fourth_report.jpgDate start 20.06.2013.Reports

    Experiences and future opportunities on cooperation for local development

    The publication is the fourth report within the SeeNet Programme developed by a research network coordinated by CeSPI (Italy). The research network is composed by seven organisations from South East Europe, including InTER. Each research institute is covering a territorz, and InTER is implementing the researches in the territory of Vojvodina.

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  • Evaluation_of_Effectiveness_and_Efficiency_of_ODA_in_Serbia_2007_2011_2.jpgDate start 28.05.2013.Evaluations

    Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency of development assistance to the Republic of Serbia per sector

    In consortium with MAXIMA Consulting Ltd, InTER carried out the evaluation of the overall development assistance in the Republic of Serbia 2007-2011. This evaluation included the realisation of 4.2 billion Eur within 1432 projects (grants and concessional loans) financed by more than 30 development partners - EU, bilateral and multilateral donors and international financial institutions.

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  • Cover_page_Strategija_srp_07_43747.jpgDate start 23.05.2013.Strategies

    Zubin Potok Development Strategy 2013-2017

    In March 2013 InTER has been contracted by the Kosovo Relief Committee to carry out assignment that led to preparation of the Zubin Potok Development Strategy 2013-2017. The assignment was performed within the scope of the Entrepreneurship Initiative Support Project, financed by the European Union within the EURED grant scheme. The strategic planning has been carried out using a participatory approach, where public and private actors (including CSOs) have been working together in determining the joint vision, development priorities, objectives and measures. As a result, a Development plan for Zubin Potok Municipality has been prepared and submitted to the Municipal Assembly for approval.

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