
  • PB_Environment.jpgDate start 02.12.2014.Policy papers

    Environmental protection and communal waste management

    Environmental protection and communal waste management are some of the biggest challenges in the negotiation process for EU membership. Five years after the adoption of the Strategy for Waste Management 2010-2019, only seven out of planned 26 regional centres for communal waste disposal operate in Serbia. Is this an indicator that environment issues are rather low on the Government’s priority list, even though its significance has been confirmed several times in the context of pre-accession negotiations between Serbia and the EU? IS it enough to prepare an (announced) revision of the Strategy and reduce the number of planned regional centres in order to regulate the field of waste management in a proper way? Or are there better ways to fulfil the goals defined in the Strategy? In this policy brief we analysed the results of policies in the field of environmental protection and communal waste management and drawn the key recommendations for the following period.

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  • LER_17.jpgDate start 12.11.2014.Policy papers

    Policy Paper "Achievements of local economic development initiatives in Serbia: Area-based development approach versus sectoral/issue-based development approach"

    After a decade since the beginning of intensive implementation of the variety of local economic development (LED) practices in Serbia there is certainly a need for analyses of their achievements. And while independent project evaluations tell us that LED projects implemented in Serbia usually achieve their expected results, measured in terms of project outputs, we don’t know much about achievement of long-lasting transformations. Nonetheless, all development actors agree that sustainability and achievement of long-lasting transformations is the main goal of LED projects. This paper, in fact, will analyse two main families of development approaches implemented in Serbia, Area-Based Development approach (ABD) and sectoral/issue-based approach. In examining the long-lasting transformations induced by those two types of LED initiatives, this study will focus on two indicators: administrative capacities of local governments and participatory policy making and planning. It will therefore try to answer the following questions: Does ABD approach, when compared to sector/issue approach, prove to be better in terms of improved administrative capacities of local governments and participatory policy making?

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  • Untitled_1.jpgDate start 29.04.2014.Policy papers

    Regional development - no good title or no clear vision

    Serbia got the Government with a stable majority. Before that, Serbian Parliament voted for the Law on Ministries that foresees the establishment of 16 ministries. However, even through regional differences in Serbia are the biggest in Europe, for the first time since 2007 the Government of Serbia does not have a Ministry of Regional Development. Policy Brief “Regional Development: no good title or no clear vision” analyses the programme of the Government of Serbia related to the issues of importance for regional development and gives recommendations to key actors in this area.

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  • Policy_brief_cover_9_09.jpgDate start 20.11.2013.Policy papers

    Policy Brief: Dialogue-induced Developments on the Ground - Analysis on implementation of the EU-facilitated agreements on freedom of movement and trade between Kosovo and Serbia

    The EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia began in March 2011. In under three years, the dialogue has spawned a number of official agreements, changed from technical to political talks, and catalyzed discussion and cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia that would have been unthinkable years prior. The fact that high level politicians from Serbia and Kosovo have come together to hold talks and the agreements themselves represent groundbreaking steps in Kosovo-Serbia relations. Yet the key to a fruitful dialogue lies in the implementation of agreements. The successful implementation of agreements is necessary for normalizing the lives of citizens and is highly relevant to the EU integration processes of both Kosovo and Serbia. This policy brief analyzes early bird experiences with implementation of three key agreements – freedom of movement, customs and IBM – taking into consideration previous experiences with the flow of commodities and people between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as contemporary demands on economic and regional integration and cooperation. The brief also provides policy recommendations to all parties in diallogue. The policy brief was been written by cooperation of two think tanks InTER and the Group of Legal and Political Studies from Pristina, within the scope of the DGAP TRAIN program. On 11-14 November 2013 the policy brief has been presented in Brussels to representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament that are engaged in the dialogue or work on issues related to Serbia and Kosovo. In the following weeks the policy brief will be presented to national stakeholders, both in Serbia and Kosovo. More information about InTER’s participation in the DGAP TRAIN program is available on the Researches page.

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