Active projects
- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
Active researches
Active evaluations
Support for Monitoring the Dialogue between Belgrade and Priština
Project start: 12.2021. - Project end: 12.2022.

More specifically, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35 to develop analytical materials and provide specific solutions relevant to the normalization process, improvement of cooperation and dialogue between civil society organizations, relevant institutions and other stakeholders in the negotiation process, and contribute to informing the public about the process of Serbia’s accession to the EU, with a special focus on Chapter 35.
The project includes the implementation of several activities: preparation of 6 analytical papers related to Chapter 35, development and publication of 12 issues of the electronic newsletter of the Working Group, organisation of 2 working breakfasts with journalists and 2 working breakfasts with decision makers and diplomatic representatives, as well as organisation of several events of different formats where the work and results of this Working Group will be promoted.
The project is implemented between 10 December 2021 and 10 December 2022.
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- Bilten EU Konvent 43.pdf (5.1MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 44.pdf (4.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 45.pdf (4.9MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 46.pdf (4.7MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 47.pdf (5MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 48.pdf (4.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 49.pdf (4.9MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 50.pdf (4.9MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 51.pdf (4.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 52.pdf (4.7MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 53.pdf (4.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 54.pdf (4.8MB, PDF)
- U susret sporazumu 2022.pdf (5.8MB, PDF)
- Towards the Agreement 2022.pdf (5.5MB, PDF)
- 1 Uticaj narativa pregovarackih timova.pdf (898KB, PDF)
- 1 Impact of negotiation teams narratives.pdf (893KB, PDF)
- 2 Cinjenice i narativi o problemima imovinskih prava.pdf (814KB, PDF)
- 2 Facts and narratives about problems of property rights.pdf (823KB, PDF)
- 3 Analiza prepreka pri procesu povratka.pdf (830KB, PDF)
- 3 Analysis of obstacles in the process of return.pdf (796KB, PDF)
- 4 Sporazum o sveobuhvatnoj normalizaciji.pdf (815KB, PDF)
- 4 An agreement on comprehensive normalisation.pdf (823KB, PDF)
- 5 Pitanje srpske kulturne i verske bastine.pdf (647KB, PDF)
- 5 The issue of Serbian cultural and religious heritage.pdf (649KB, PDF)
- 6 Zastita zivotne sredine.pdf (1.4MB, PDF)
- 6 Environmental protection.pdf (1.2MB, PDF)
Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16