  • IMG_4066.JPGDate start 03.04.2014.

    Evaluation of the project "Establishing the concept of primary waste selection in 28 schools in Užice and Tuzla”

    Public Utility Company “Duboko” from Užice hired InTER to conduct the final evaluation of the project "Establishing the concept of primary waste selection in 28 schools in Užice and Tuzla”, commonly known as “Schools Waste Less". The project is funded by EU IPA Cross-border cooperation Program between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, and it is...

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  • 2014_03_26_10_16_16.jpgDate start 26.03.2014.

    EURED Grant Scheme Coordination Meeting

    On Wednesday, March 26, 2014, a regular quarterly coordination meeting was organised within the EURED 3 grant scheme. The meeting was held in Hotel Palace in Kosovska Mitrovica. Dragiša Mijačić and Željko Dobrić presented the results of OUTDOOR In project from the first three months of this year and presented the activity plan until the end of t...

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  • 2014_03_26_14_52_14.jpgDate start 26.03.2014.

    Meeting with Andrew Russell

    InTER’s representatives participated in a working meeting with Andrew Russell, UN Development Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Kosovo. The meeting was organised on March 26, 2014 in UNDP premises in Zvečan, and the meeting was also attended by other NGOs active in Northern Kosovo.

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  • DSC00181.jpegDate start 25.03.2014.

    InTER conctracted the final evaluation of the project “Organic Food Production Support in South Serbia”

    On Tuesday, March 25 2014, Centre for the Development of Jablanica and Pcinja Districts and InTER signed the Contract for implementation of the final evaluation of the project “Organic Food Production Support in South Serbia”. The project was financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) and it was implemented in the period 2012-2014. InTER...

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