  • radej.jpgDate start 29.05.2014.

    Lecture: Think twice before you cut: EU public policy evaluation

    Bojan Radej will give a lecture with the topic: Think twice before you cut: EU public policy evaluation, on June 17, 2014 at 19h in the Cultural Centre Belgrade.

    The author will present a public policy evaluation concept, as it was originally imagined, its main dilemmas and challenges, and the way this instrument is used in the EU and Slovenia, ...

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  • rrpp_twitter.jpgDate start 27.05.2014.

    Round table “Young researchers: position and opportunities”

    A round table “Young researchers: position and opportunities” that will be organized on Friday, May 30, 2014 in the Centre for the Promotion of Science, Knez Mihailova 5, at 12h, aims at initiating a dialogue about the position and opportunities for young researchers in the Republic of Serbia, primarily around two parts focused on the following ...

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  • Sweden.jpgDate start 20.05.2014.

    Evaluation of the Project for support to local self-governments in Serbia in the process of EU integration

    In partnership with the consultancy Indevelop from Sweden, InTER was contracted for the evaluation of the Project for support to local self-governments in Serbia in the process of EU integration. The project is financed by the Kingdom of Sweden, and jointly implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SKGO) and the Swedish...

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  • rere.jpgDate start 20.05.2014.

    Seminar “Evaluation of public policy”

    Institute Alternativa from Podgorica invited InTER’s Director Dragiša Mijačić to give a two-day lecture on “Evaluation of public policy” within the third module “School of public policy”. The seminar was organized on May 17 and 18, 2014 in the PR Centre in Podgorica. Report from the lecture can be found on the website http://institut-alternativa...

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