  • Da_li_zivimo_bolje.jpgDate start 02.12.2016.

    Presentation of the study "Do we live better?"

    Institute for Territorial Economic development (InTER) and RTV MIR organize a presentation of the policy paper "Do we live better?", which analyze effects of the financial assistance to the North Kosovo municipalities after the Brussels Agreement. The study was financed by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS).

    The presentation will be he...

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  • image_0_02_05_3a407e26cebc13e27bd4b0fc3c819440d7824b9d62f7ee12b6968eb9e6854b2c_V.jpgDate start 02.12.2016.

    Round table “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”

    On 2 December 2016, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and YUROM Centre organized a round table in Niš within the project “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”, financed by the Open Society Institute from Budapest. At the round table, there were around 20 participants from different institutions supporting entr...

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  • IMG_4941.JPGDate start 24.11.2016.

    Results of the study "Analysis of Effects of the Cluster Development Support Programme 2007-2015"

    Results of the study "Analysis of effects of the Cluster Development Support Programme 2007-2015" have been presented in the Media Centre in Belgrade.

    The presentation was organised on November 24, 2016, and together with journalists, it was also attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Trade and Touris, Pro...

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  • InTER_Logo.jpgDate start 15.11.2016.

    Press release: Training for Tourist Guide and Rescue Services on Via Ferrata Berim

    Within the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Outdoor In recently launched a new project in the field of active tourism development in Zubin Potok municipality, called “Strengthening the capacities of youth from Kosovo for providing tourist guiding and rescuing services on Via Ferrata Be...

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