  • DSC_0002_Copy.JPGDate start 29.12.2016.

    Research findings “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” were presented

    On 28 December 2016, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and YUROM Centre organized press conference in Media Center in Belgrade. This event was organized within the project “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”, financed by the Open Society Institute from Budapest.

    At the press conference, a part of the documen...

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  • 2.jpgDate start 23.12.2016.

    Round table “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” in Novi Sad

    On 22 December 2016, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and YUROM Centre organized the second round table within the project “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” in Novi Sad, financed by the Open Society Institute from Budapest.

    At the round table, a part of the documentary and research findings on Roma entrep...

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  • IMG_4967.JPGDate start 16.12.2016.

    A conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” organised

    On Thursday, December 15, 2016, a conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” was organized in Belgrade by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Yurom Centre, in cooperation with the German-Serbian Development Cooperation implemented by GIZ (German Organization for International Cooperation, ACCESS Pr...

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  • 15515602_10211371506592193_1221825581_o.jpgDate start 14.12.2016.

    Round table "Forests in Kosovo – a Disappearing Resource" in Leposavic

    Are forests in Kosovo a disappearing resource? This and other issues in the forestry sector were discussed today in a round table in Leposavic with the representatives of the public company "Srbijašume", council members of municipality of Leposavic, representatives of UNDP and other NGOs active in the field of environmental protection.

    InTER pres...

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