  • 18361775_10212800198708603_1015375093_n.jpgDate start 10.05.2017.

    Workshops on local economic development in Northern Kosovo

    During April 2017, InTER organized workshops on local economic development in the Northern Kosovo municipalities. The aim of the workshops was to strengthen the capacity of municipal officers in developing strategic documents and greater contribution to local economic development.

    The workshops included three important topics: Introduction to Loc...

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  • 6_kfos.jpgDate start 10.05.2017.

    Analysis of economy in North Kosovo after the Brussels Agreement – where are employment opportunities?

    In cooperation with RTV Mir from Leposavic, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) has started the implementation of the project “Analysis of economy in North Kosovo after the Brussels Agreement – where are employment opportunities?“

    This project aims at providing better information about the current situation and problems in econ...

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  • Ekonomski_indikatori_Infografik_01.jpgDate start 24.03.2017.


    The democratic changes in Serbia have emerged from Milosevic’s fall that coincided with the beginning of the new millennium. The period after that was marked by many political and economic challenges that are interpreted in different ways by different political and social factors. Hence, it is a standard practice in the political scene of Serbia...

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  • 17351987_1004571629687282_7427136482755448421_n.jpgDate start 15.03.2017.

    Via Ferrata Guide & Rescue Training certificate ceremony

    With the presence of the Ambassador of Canada, Mr. Daniel Maksymiuk, representatives of the local government, institutions and citizens, today at the Zubin Potok Culture Centre a ceremony was organised for diploma awarding to the participants of the Via Ferrata Guide & Rescue Training.

    Training was successfully finished by the following people:

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