Active projects
Active researches
Active evaluations
Date start 28.11.2011.Magazines
Local Employment Action Plan 2011 for Zubin Potok Municipality
The report represents the action plan for implementation of the local employment strategy of Zubin Potok municipality in 2011. The report is published in December 2010. The report provides the statistical overview of territory, demography, natural resources, economy and employment and gives recommendations for implementation of applicable active labour measure policies, including the budget assessment. The report is available only in Serbian Language.
Read moreDate start 28.11.2011.Magazines
Guidelines for Assessment of EU IPA CBC Application Packages
The publication represents a guideline for assessment of project proposals received under Calls for Proposals for EU IPA Component II on Cross-Border Development. The Guidelines is primarily developed as a tool to assist Assessors in assessing each criterion of the proposal evaluation grid. However, the Guidelines does not have intention to restrict the Assessors in grading the applications, neither to advocate normative standards for assessment of IPA CBC Applications to EC and respective national authorities. The Guidelines might also be used by the applicants in checking the quality of their applications prior to the final submission to the authorities. The Guidelines is developed by Dragisa Mijacic, Director of InTER, based of his direct experience of assessment of more than 200 applications received under EU Neighbourhood Programme 2004 - 2006 and EU IPA CBC.
Read moreDate start 28.11.2011.Magazines
Mapping of Serbian Youth NGOs in Kosovo
The publication represents a mapping study of Serbian NGOs in Kosovo working in the field of youth, published in December 2009. The Study is part of a larger Forum Syd peace‐building project which aims to provide opportunities for youth in Kosovo through strengthening: 1. youth organisations and networks; 2. community youth work practice and 3. community youth work education. The Study identified 22 civil society organisations active in Serbian communities of all regions in Kosovo. The identified organisations are not primarily youth organisations, yet in their work they are very much focused on young groups of all ages. The Study has been written the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and funded by Forum Syd office in Kosovo.
Read moreDate start 31.12.2008.Magazines
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship Support programs in the Republic of Serbia
The publication was prepared to assist the Serbian Agency for Development of Small and Medium-size Enterprises and Entrepreneurship and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to train professionals for providing mentoring services in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Serbia. The publication identified support programs to SMEE sector in 2009/2010, either financed by Serbian Government or by international organizations. In total, twelve programs were identified and elaborated in details. The publication is available in Serbian, with the provided short executive summary in English Language.
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Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16