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- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
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National Convention on the European Union 2020/2021, Chapter 35: Other Issues - Kosovo
Project start: 10.2020. - Project end: 06.2021.

Specifically, the project aims to strengthen the capacity of the NCEU Chapter 35 Working Group to develop analytical materials and provide concrete solutions relevant to the normalization process, improve cooperation and dialogue between civil society organizations, relevant institutions and other stakeholders in the negotiation process, and contribute to better informing the public about the process of Serbia's accession to the EU, with a special focus on Chapter 35.
The project includes the implementation of several activities: development of 4 analytical papers related to Chapter 35, development and publication of 9 issues of the e-newsletter of the Working Group, organization of 2 working breakfasts with journalists, as well as organization of several events of different formats where the work and results of the Working Group will be promoted.
The project will be implemented from October 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
- Bilten EU Konvent 34.pdf (3.6MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 35.pdf (2.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 36.pdf (2.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 37.pdf (3MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 38.pdf (2.9MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 39.pdf (2.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 40.pdf (2.8MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 41.pdf (2.9MB, PDF)
- Bilten EU Konvent 42.pdf (3.2MB, PDF)
- Kratka istorija stavova gradjana o dijalogu Beograda i Pristine Sta se nije promenilo.pdf (1.1MB, PDF)
- A brief history of citizens views on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina What has not changed.pdf (1.1MB, PDF)
- Efikasnost mehanizama institucija Srbije i Kosova u pronalazenju nestalih osoba iz rata na Kosovu.pdf (1.3MB, PDF)
- The efficiency of mechanisms of institutions of Serbia and Kosovo in finding missing persons from the war in Kosovo between 2016 and 2020.pdf (1.1MB, PDF)
- Ekonomska saradnja Srbije i Kosova u kontekstu regionalnog trzista.pdf (720KB, PDF)
- Economic cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo in the context of the regional market.pdf (697KB, PDF)
- Imovinska prava na Kosovu u okviru sveobuhvatne normalizacije odnosa Beograda i Pristine.pdf (732KB, PDF)
- Property rights in Kosovo within the comprehensive normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.pdf (712KB, PDF)
Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16