Active projects
- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
Active researches
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Support to Local Self-government Administration Reform in Northern Kosovo
Project start: 03.2016. - Project end: 07.2017.

This project aims at contributing to capacity building of the representatives of local self-governments in Kosovo for implementation of legislation and transitional reforms.
In order to achieve project objectives, InTER will conduct a research on the current condition related to the implementation of public administration reforms in the municipalities in Northern Kosovo, in accordance with the changes after the Brussels Agreement. According to the research results, InTER will organise trainings with municipal staff in order to build their capacities to solve crucial problems in the implementation of reforms.
The project is implemented between 15 March 2016 and 31 July 2017 in the four municipalities of North Kosovo.
Related news:
Workshops on local economic development in Northern Kosovo
Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16