Active projects
- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
Active researches
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Policy Dialogue for Environmental Protection and Development Action
Project start: 01.2016. - Project end: 04.2017.

Project objective is to contribute to understanding of a policy landscape in the field of environmental protection and its implications to sustainable socio-economic development in Leposavic, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Mitrovica North. A research will be conducted within the project about the existing Kosovo legislation in this field in North Kosovo, round tables will be organised in each municipality, as well as a conference that will gather all stakeholders in order to raise awareness and improve knowledge about the importance of environmental protection.
The expected project results are better knowledge on Kosovo environmental policy and legislation among local authorities and civil society organizations, established mechanisms for cooperation between civil society organisations and local authorities, and established mechanisms for policy advocacy in environmental protection on local and central level.
Video " Let's protect the forests in Kosovo"
Video "Use the power of waste in Kosovo"
Video "Agriculture and environment in Kosovo"
Video "Waters of Kosovo"
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- Saopstenje za javnost.pdf (413KB, PDF)
- Press release.pdf (225KB, PDF)
- Poziv na Press konferenciju projekta POBEDA.pdf (352KB, PDF)
- Press Conference invitation POBEDA.pdf (393KB, PDF)
- Sume na Kosovu bogatstvo koje nestaje.pdf (162KB, PDF)
- Kosovos Forests A Disappearing Resource.pdf (167KB, PDF)
- Pyjet ne Kosove nje pasuri qe po zhduket.pdf (167KB, PDF)
- Upravljanje komunalnim otpadom na Kosovu.pdf (165KB, PDF)
- Communal waste management in Kosovo.pdf (166KB, PDF)
- Menaxhimi i mbeturinave komunale ne Kosove.pdf (171KB, PDF)
- Razvoj poljoprivrede na Kosovu.pdf (287KB, PDF)
- Development of agriculture in Kosovo.pdf (282KB, PDF)
- Zhvillimi i bujqesise ne Kosove.pdf (325KB, PDF)
- Vode na Kosovu.pdf (285KB, PDF)
- Waters of Kosovo.pdf (233KB, PDF)
- Ujerat ne Kosove.pdf (279KB, PDF)
- Za tita ivotne sredine i ekonomski razvoj na Kosovu.pdf (1.8MB, PDF)
- Environmental protection and economic development in Kosovo.pdf (1.4MB, PDF)
- Mbrojtja e mjedisit dhe zhvillimi ekonomik ne Kosove.pdf (1.7MB, PDF)
Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16