  • Analysis_Cover.JPGDate start 04.04.2012.

    Analysis of Business Support Infrastructure in English

    Electronic version of the publication "Analysis of Business Support Infrastructure in Serbia" is now available in English language.

    InTER was contracted by the National Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia to provide an assessment of the business infrastructure in the country. The assignment included an assessment of the ...

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  • privredna_komora_beograda_Converted.jpgDate start 02.04.2012.

    Round table “Importance of business incubators, clusters, industrial zones and parks for local economic development“

    On April18, 2012, the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce , National Agency for Regional Development (NARD), Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and the Women's Association “Klub prvih žena” will organise the round table on “Importance of business incubators, clusters, industrial zones and parks for local economic development“ - Are ...

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  • PalmecenterLogo2.jpgDate start 09.03.2012.

    InTER hired by the Olof Palme International Center

    InTER has been hired by the Olof Palme International Center to assist in designing and overseeing implementation of the ongoing evaluation of the Palme Centre’s Serbia Programme during the years 2012-2014.

    The Palme Center (OPC) works in the spirit of Olof Palme for democracy, human rights, and peace, and coope...

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  • IMAG0385.jpgDate start 29.02.2012.

    Organisation of the fourth seminar "Assessment of EU CBC project proposals"

    The fourth and the last seminar for assessment of EU CBC project proposals between Serbia and the neighbouring countries was organised on February 24, 2012 in the premises of the Serbian European Integration Office, with 17 participants who are a part of the roster of assessors of CBC project proposals formed by the Office.
    In total, 92 assessor...

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