  • 2013_10_25_10_44_31.jpegDate start 28.10.2013.

    Meeting of the Task Force for Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme organised

    On October 26, 2013 a meeting of the Task Force for Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme was held in Kanjiža, where the definition of new thematic priorities was discussed for the new Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 financial period.

    InTER participated is n the elaboration of the new Operational Programme for Hungary - ...

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  • slovakaid_conferencija.JPGDate start 23.10.2013.

    InTER participated in the international conference "10 Years of Slovak Aid"

    The International Conference “10 Years of Slovak Aid: a Vision of Development Cooperation for a Changing World” held oin October 16-17, 2013 in Bratislava, was organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Slovak Aid. Its aim was to stimulate a professional dialogue between the governmental, non – governmental, academic and private sector...

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  • conf.jpgDate start 04.10.2013.

    Conference "Danube Region Transport Days 2013"

    InTER participated in the second stakeholder conference of the Danube strategy in the Priority Area 1b (EUSDR) called “Danube Region Transport Days 2013”, organized in Belgrade on October 3, 2013. Priority Area 1b of the Danube Strategy is jointly coordinated by the Republic of Slovenia (Franc Žepič, Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planni...

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  • Logo_Kena.jpgDate start 04.10.2013.

    InTER to participate in the international conference “10 years of SlovakAid"

    InTER was invited to participate in the international conference “10 years of SlovakAid” that will be organized in Bratislava on October 16 and 17, 2013. At the conference, InTER will present a policy paper 'Slovak development aid to the Republic of Serbia – is it time to withdraw?' written by Jana Radaković and Dragiša Mijačić. Draft version of...

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