  • New_Picture.jpgDate start 14.10.2015.

    A Research published on tourism development in Ibarski Kolasin

    A Research is published on tourism development in Ibarski Kolasin (Zubin Potok) carried out by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER), in cooperation with Outdoor In. The research shows the analysis of preferences of tourists visiting Ibarski Kolasin searching for attractions for active tourism. The research was published in ...

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  • 12068842_706988049445643_4261225867177170621_o.jpgDate start 11.10.2015.

    Mountain race: Gazivode - Mokra Gora 2015 organized

    On Saturday, October 10, 2015 a Mountain Race: Gazivode - Mokra Gora was organised by Outdoor In, Institute for Territorial Economic Development - InTER, Sport Club “Alti” and the Municipality of Zubin Potok. This sport and tourism event was organised within the project “Climbing on Berim Rocks – Dare to Imagine”, financed by the Embassy of Finl...

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  • 2.jpgDate start 19.09.2015.

    Workshop for Sectoral Civil Society Organisations “For better organisational capacities”

    On September 17-18, 2015, a workshop was organised in Novi Sad for Sectoral Civil Society Organisations “For better organisational capacities”. The workshop was organised by the Serbian European Integration Office (SEIO) and Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO).

    The workshop’s goals were to determine the joint priority nee...

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  • 12002440_746791072116359_8188257425847929871_o.jpgDate start 18.09.2015.

    InTER participated at the School on Security Policy in Bar

    Within the three-year project Security Research Forum: Belgrade-Pristina-Tirana, the School on Security Policy was organized in Bar, Montenegro on September 14-18. The project is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and jointly implemented by the Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP), Kosovar Center for Security Studies (K...

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