  • 430727119_724767396432279_7456251881281684448_n.jpgDate start 04.03.2024.

    The project Via Ferrata Club presented in Tutin

    On 4 March 2024, the project VIA FERRATA CLUB was presented in Tutin, jointly implemented by the Municipality of Plužine, Municipality of Tutin, InTER and Regional Park Piva. The project is co-funded from the EU Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia - Montenegro 2014-2020.

    Total value of the project is 288,643.10 EUR. Implementation started o...

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  • Bilten_5_naslovna_01_34459.jpgDate start 29.02.2024.

    Newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35 - Issue 60

    In the new issue of the newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35: Other issues - Kosovo, you can find the following articles:

    1. ""Kosovo and Metohija", by Milan Antonijević;

    2. "Normalisation that nobody wants", by Nikola Burazer from the Centre of Contemporary Politics;

    The Newsletter is available here

    The Newsletter was developed withi...

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  • IMG_9334.jpegDate start 28.02.2024.

    Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 organised the conference “Towards the Agreement“

    On February 27, the Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 organised the annual conference “Towards the Agreement” at the Hotel Metropol Palace, marking the first anniversary of the European Plan on the Path to Normalisation adopted in Brussels.

    The conference was organised in three panels under the names - ...

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  • IMG_9249.JPGDate start 26.02.2024.

    RG NCEU for Chapter 35 presented activities to the media

    On 26 February 2024, the Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 organised a working breakfast with journalists who follow this Chapter and the process of normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Priština.

    At the meeting, the previous results and future plans of the Working Group for Chapter 35 were fi...

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