  • open_society_foundations.jpgDate start 23.08.2013.

    OSI TTF Internship opportunity at InTER

    Within the scope of OSI Think Tank Young Professional Development Program InTER is offering internship opportunity for recent MA and PhD graduates from OECD countries and CEU Hungary. Internship will last for 6 months and will be paid to the extent of the salary of a junior researcher.

    During internship a selected candidate will work on policy re...

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  • segedin1.JPGDate start 12.07.2013.

    Meeting and workshop organised within the Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2014 – 2020

    In consortia with HitesyBartuczHollai Euroconsulting Kft and VitalPro Kft, both from Budapest, and Razbor d.o.o. from Zagreb, InTER has been awarded by the European Commission with the contract to elaborate the Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme for the 2014-2020 financial period. Within the Programme, a Task Force meeting was he...

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  • plaza.jpgDate start 11.07.2013.

    Beach on Lake Gazivode officially opened as a part of the project Outdoor In

    One of the components of the project Outdoor In - construction of the beach on Lake Gazivode was finished and officiallz opened on July 11, 2013. The beach was opened bz the Mayor of Zubin Potok, Mr Srdjan Djurović and EC Liason Office Head of Operations, Mr Christof Stock.

    The project Outdoor In is financed by the European Union, and the project...

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  • NvWB4IrkL7ZdLI_BkkIt3pRqv3AvysAGWnDJC3Kn3r0_55rT3DBKbK08yxRtd_V00EjRkvtdkVvBH0grCiICLGw.jpgDate start 29.06.2013.

    Alumni TRAIN Conference in Berlin

    InTER participated at the Alumni Conference of the TRAIN Programme organised in Berlin on June 28-29, 2013. This is the first conference that gathered researchers from the Western Balkans organizations supported within the TRAIN Programme.

    A joint conference with the participants of this year’s TRAIN Programme was organised on the first day, as w...

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