  • Bilten_5_naslovna_01_50007.jpgDate start 07.02.2024.

    Newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35 - Issue 59

    In the new issue of the newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35: Other issues - Kosovo, you can find the following articles:

    1. "The Dialogue between Belgrade and Priština: Where is this Ship Sailing?", by Dragiša Mijačić, the Director of InTER and the Coordinator of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35;

    2. "Expecting the Changes in C...

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  • Bilten_5_naslovna_01.jpgDate start 19.01.2024.

    Newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35 - Issue 58

    In the new issue of the newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35: Other issues - Kosovo, you can find the following articles:

    1. "Belgrade and Priština far from "Maturity"? Between the Thucydides Trap and Successful Harmonisation", by Marko Dašić, PhD from the Center for Social Dialogue and Regional Initiatives;

    2. "The Dialogue in the ...

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  • IMG_8233.JPGDate start 16.01.2024.

    WG NCEU for Chapter 35 strengthens cooperation with the media

    WG NCEU for Chapter 35 organized a working breakfast with journalists on 16 January 2024.

    At the meeting, the previous results and future plans of the Working Group for Chapter 35 were first presented. Then, current topics within Chapter 35 and the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina were discussed, as well as what...

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  • sblogo.jpgDate start 12.01.2024.

    Regional project “Implementing Good governance Principles in Public-Private Partnership Projects (GO PPP)”

    InTER started the implementation of the project: “Implementing Good governance Principles in Public-Private Partnership Projects (GO PPP)” is financed through the SMART BALKANS regional program, with the following partners: Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (IPER) from Montenegro, and the Albanian Center for Economic Resear...

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